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Friday, February 15, 2013

Stress can be debilitating. It’s no secret that disease is often the direct result of stress.
Whether it’s emotional, mental, physical, or even nutritional, the effects of stress on our overall health can be astoundingly harmful. There is no way to protect ourselves from it, and in fact, some stress is actually good for us. But if we don’t “deal” with stress, it can throw us off balance emotionally, weaken our immune system and make us more vulnerable to disease, and intensify pain, just to name a few consequences. The trick is to recognize the stressor(s) and to face it in a positive way—to create balance.
Well documented for many years, Biofeedback is a tool to measure psycho-physiological affects of stress, it’s assessments allowing people to work towards healing on many different levels. By being able to gauge a patient’s physical response to specific input, it becomes easy to isolate the issues that stand in the way of good health.Here at Dolan Wellness, we utilize state-of-the-art Spectravision Biofeedback technology. Nearly every single one of our patients are tested so that we can help them help themselves, and patients that are on a treatment program are tested monthly. The information garnered from Biofeedback sessions allows us to “go beyond” the physical and address emotional and nutritional issues that may impede wellness. Used in conjunction with other therapies and techniques, the results can seem miraculous. For instance, migraines may be caused by a spinal misalignment, but the misalignment may be aggravated by emotional baggage of a past event. By identifying the emotional baggage, the spinal misalignment is more effectively treated, thereby reducing or eliminating the instances of migraine headaches.  While that may sound improbable, the human psyche has immense control over the body’s wellbeing.One of the tests we administer to our patients here at Dolan Wellness evaluates meridian energy, which is based on one of the precepts of Chinese medicine: energy must flow through our bodies; when energy is blocked or out of balance, pain, disease and illness are the result. The scan can determine how severe a patient’s imbalances are and how long it might take to achieve correction. Another test is for BioEnergy Balance.  This test sends you information through energy frequencies and your energetic responses are recorded.  It asks your body 144 “questions” every six seconds; it also asks every “question” eight different times in random order!  It is a scan that delves deeply into the body and can determine what areas are the most out of balance: the organs, endocrine system, immune system, digestive system, and lymphatic system are all tested. Regardless of which Biofeedback test is administered, a session takes about an hour. A wrist cuff with diodes attached is placed on the patient’s right wrist, and a series of homeopathic remedies and questions are presented to the patient. The diodes feed the body’s responses back into a machine, which issues a detailed report. Using the results from any Biofeedback scan, we use both homeopathic remedies and traditional nutrition to get you back into balance. If the treatment includes supplementation, we actually show you energetically that it will help. Depending on the test and resulting treatment, patients often experience more energy, better sleep, relief of constipation, relief of menstrual cycle challenges, aches and pains, and much more. Your body will progress into a state of balance and have more energy available when physical, emotional, and mental stress show up in your life. Over a period of time, several Biofeedback sessions usually reveal a real move towards health on all fronts!In addition to the Bio-energy balance, Spectravision Technology can be used to help with deeper emotional imbalances, food allergies, mineral balancing, and much more. It is a real tool that promotes real healing.
7:56 am est 

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I have been in business since 2012, and we pride ourselves on providing customers with high-quality products and personal service. 

Our services include:

  • SpectraVision - Bio-Energetic Assesments
  • Emotional Center Point Release ( ECPR ) 
  • Ionic Footbaths 
  • FAR Infrared Sauna
  • Celicore Products (Organic Stem Cell Treatment ) 
  • CYMA Therapy - AMI (Acoustic Meridian Intelligence)

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